MIS Conferences⚓︎
The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) is the most prestigious gathering of information systems academics and research-oriented practitioners in the world. Every year its 270 or so papers and panel presentations are selected from more than 800 submissions. The conference activities are primarily delivered by and for academics, though many of the papers and panels have a strong professional orientation.
ICIS was founded in 1980 at UCLA and the first conference was held at the University of Pennsylvania as the " Conference on Information Systems". By 1986, particularly as the result of Canadian and European attendance and participation, " International" was appended to the name, thereby creating the International Conference on Information Systems. ICIS became truly international in 1990 when the conference was first held outside North America in Copenhagen, Denmark.
---- ICIS Home Page / ICIS Proceedings / 2023
Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS)
WITS, the Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems is an academic conference for information systems that is held annually in December in conjunction with ICIS (the International Conference on Information Systems).
The WITS community is focused on addressing complex business problems or societal issues using current and emerging information technologies. We also encourage research that can change the way information technology functions (e.g., by designing, modifying, or constructing systems) so that they can better solve real-world problems. All problem-solving paradigms – including empirical, analytical, behavioral, experimental, and computational – are invited. Integrative approaches, whether methodological or functional, are welcome.
WITS research is often prescriptive (toward providing a solution to a problem), rather than descriptive (explaining a phenomenon), unless the explanation clearly helps in developing a solution. We particularly invite work that is early, but has the potential to make a significant impact – innovation and novelty are at least as important as completeness and rigor.
---- WITS Home Page
Theory in Economics of Information Systems (TEIS)
The TEIS workshop is designed to provide a community for researchers who use analytical modeling techniques in the area of economics of information systems. Although a number of workshops and conferences accept research based on analytical models, these tend to be diffused with inadequate time for presentation, discussion and Q&A.
TEIS workshop complements such venues by providing a focused and intense environment for interaction among researchers to assist in the development of the field and help advance shared understanding about various aspects of modeling research. TEIS workshops have a single track with one hour per paper so everyone can participate substantively in the discussion.
---- TEIS Home Page
Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR)
Started in 2005 by Ravi Bapna (currently at University of Minnesota), Wolfgang Jank (currently at University of South Florida), and Galit Schmueli (National Tsing Hua University), the Workshop on Statistical Conference in E-Commerce Research (SCECR) is a leading workshop attracting many top researchers throughout the world in the areas of information systems, quantitative marketing, economics, statistics, machine learning, and computer science.
The workshop covers diverse domains such as e-commerce, social media, digital content, finance, and telecommunications. Methods include econometric, machine learning, statistical inference, and unstructured and Big Data techniques. The theme this year will be related to Big Data and economic impact.
---- SCECR Home Page
Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA)
The Conference on Health IT and Analytics (previously known as the Workshop on Health IT & Economics) is an annual health IT and analytics research summit, including a doctoral consortium that each year gathers prominent scholars from more than 40 research institutes, and leading policy and practitioner attendees in a vibrant setting to discuss opportunities and challenges in the design, implementation and management of health information technology and analytics.
Its goal is to deepen our understanding of strategy, policy and systems fostering health IT and analytics effective use and to stimulate new ideas with both policy and business implications. This forum provides a productive venue to facilitate collaboration among academia, government, and industry. Now in its eleventh year, each year CHITA draws over 120 participants.
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
Since 1968, the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) has been known worldwide as the longest-standing working scientific conferences in Information Technology Management.
HICSS provides a highly interactive working environment for top scholars from academia and the industry from over 60 countries to exchange ideas in various areas of information, computer, and system sciences. According to Microsoft Academic, HICSS ranks the 36th in terms of citations among 4,444 conferences in all fields worldwide.
---- HICSS Home Page
China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM)
As China has become a major player in the world’s economy and various technological fields, information systems and management research opportunities are abundant for scholars around the globe.
The purpose of China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM) is to create a new bridge for promoting exchanges between scholars in China and overseas in the area of information systems and management. In particular, CSWIM focuses on creating a unique experience for MIS researchers around the world who would like to communicate and collaborate with China-based scholars.
---- CSWIM Home Page
China Workshop on Economics of Information Systems Theory (CWEIST)
The field of information systems has a long tradition of using analytical modeling (e.g. game-theoretical and mathematical models) to understand information systems phenomena and generate useful recommendations. With many emerging phenomena in IS, the need for this type of applied theory research is ever greater. However, the forums for this style of inquiry are rather limited, especially for analytical modeling scholars in China and the surrounding regions. The purpose of the China Workshop on Economics of Information Systems Theory (CWEIST) is to bring together a community of scholars in China and around the world with a shared interest in using analytical modeling to study issues in IS and related fields. We hope this summer workshop to become a unique forum for this community to exchange ideas, hone our skills, and form new collaborations across geographical boundaries.
---- CWEIST Home Page / 2023
Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) Conference
Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) is an international professional organization representing the interests of POM professionals from around the world.
The purposes of the Society are:
- to extend and integrate knowledge that contributes to the improved understanding and practice of production and operations management (POM);
- to disseminate information on POM to managers, scientists, educators, students, public and private organizations, national and local governments, and the general public; and
- to promote the improvement of POM and its teaching in public and private manufacturing and service organizations throughout the world
---- POMS Home Page / POMS Conference Page / 2023
INFORMS Annual Meeting
The INFORMS Annual Meeting brings together over 6,000 people to the world's largest O.R. and analytics conference. Held each fall, the INFORMS Annual Meeting features more than 800 sessions and presentations, opportunities to meet with leading companies, universities and other exhibitors, an onsite career fair connecting top talent with over 100 organizations at the forefront of O.R. and analytics application, and other networking and educational events.
---- INFORMS Conference Home Page / 2023 INFORMS Annual Meeting
The Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
The annual Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) is viewed as one of the leading conferences for presenting the broadest variety of research done by and for IS/IT academicians. Every year its papers and panel presentations are selected from over 700 submissions, and the AMCIS proceedings are in the permanent collections of libraries throughout the world.
---- AMCIS Home Page / AMCIS Proceedings
Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)
The annual Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) is viewed as one of the leading conferences on information systems and the only AIS conference dedicated to the Pacific Asia Region. PACIS is endorsed by the AIS Council and governed by the AIS Region 3 Board.
---- PACIS Home Page / PACIS Proceedings
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
The annual European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) is viewed as one of the leading conferences on information systems and the only AIS conference dedicated to the European Region. ECIS is the newest regional conference endorsed by the AIS Council and governed by the AIS Region 2 Board.
---- ECIS Home Page / ECIS Proceedings
International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST)
Design science research (DSR) in information systems (IS) has received significant attention in the information systems research community. In an immersed society, where there are numerous wicked problems on all levels of analysis, DSR is an ideal approach to understand complex challenges and support the design of useful solutions, making provision for rigour and relevance. Based on multi-stakeholder problem analysis and informed by existing descriptive and design knowledge, well-designed innovative methods, solution patterns, reference models and exemplary IS solutions promise to be effective means of addressing many of today’s challenges – and will contribute to the further development of DSR’s methodological foundations. The better we get at integrating humans, organisations and machines, the better we will be able to use all means possible to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The United Nations, with its economic and social development agenda, as it pertains to sustainability, ultimately impacts all countries, organisations, teams and individuals through the SDGs.
---- 2023 / 2022 / 2021 / Springer Conference Proceedings List
IADIS Information Systems Conference
The IADIS Information Systems Conference aims to provide a forum for the discussion of IS taking a socio-technological perspective. It aims to address the issues related to design, development and use of IS in organisations from a socio-technological perspective, as well as to discuss IS professional practice, research and teaching.
International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP)
The International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy provides a meeting point for researchers and practitioners, addressing the trust, security and privacy challenges of information systems from both technological and social perspectives.
The conference welcomes papers of either practical or theoretical nature, and is interested in research or applications addressing all aspects of trust, security and privacy, and encompassing issue of concern for organizations, individuals and society at large.
---- ICISSP Home Page
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Last Update On 2023-04-05.